Quality Assurance Program
Quality Planning
APPS has developed and implemented a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) tailored to the requirements of each Task Order in order to enhance product quality and operational productivity. The QASP is based upon preventive activities not just corrective actions. It addresses our overall approach and procedures for evaluating each service area, communication with the Government, deficiency resolution, internal review processes, and the process for identifying possible improvements. The APPS Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) will also ensure performance measure metrics are reported to the customer clearly, efficiently and effectively and within the contract requirements.
APPS recognizes that in normal everyday performance, we will occasionally encounter problems. However, our methodology provides effective mechanisms for identifying these problems at an early stage before they affect performance. The clear definition of contractual requirements and schedule with milestones provide excellent measures of activity. Early identification of any problems that show the potential of affecting quality, cost or schedule will be brought to the immediate attention of the customer.
Quality Assurance
The QASP will be utilized to execute a planned set of Quality Assurance (QA) activities, both internal and external, to evaluate and record the performance quality parameters developed specifically for each effort. External activities are those performed by personnel not directly involved with the execution of the tasks. Examples of external activities as delineated in this plan include:
- Prioritizing of the Services required.
- Identifying the types and frequency of quality control checks.
- Developing procedures to be used to identify, document and correct deficiencies.
- Identifying responsibilities for Quality Control.
- Auditing Quality Control procedures.
- Customer QA Surveys.
Quality Control
Quality Control (QC) is a planned set of internal activities that are conducted by personnel directly associated with the execution of the Task to ensure quality performance. These activities include (1) Accuracy Checks; (2) Standardization of Procedures; (3) Task Performance and (4) Technical Reviews. These internal activities are designed to provide the first level of quality checking and are performed by the personnel directly involved with the performance of the individual tasks.
A Program Manager will monitor internal activities during task performance. This individual will disseminate this information throughout APPS in the form of institutionalized systemic improvements, and will also be responsible for championing the systemic improvement process, ensuring product quality, and conducting quality training. There will be several support systems used to perform this task: a) SOPs will be tailored to emphasize the task requirements; b) Desktop Guides will provide specific directions at the computer terminals on how tasks are to be performed; c) QASP which includes all the task standards and specifications and the inspection and verification techniques to validate compliance; d) MIS used to specifically track the Contract Line Items and the work performed on each of them.
Sub-Contractor Quality Management
Our QASP also requires that our subcontractors have an established corporate quality program. Each of our subcontractors designates a corporate representative who assumes responsibility for execution of each subcontract and the delivery of quality products. We view our subcontractors as partners and significant contributors to overall contract performance, and we include their representatives as part of audit teams that examine and evaluate the quality of services and deliverables on a periodic basis as defined in each contract QASP.
Cost Control
APPS’ has implemented financial and administrative controls in compliance with Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) and Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) regulations. Our rates are approved by DCAA and our financial/accounting system, in addition to being approved by DCAA, is subject to periodic DCAA audits. APPS has a cost accounting system that allows tracking of detailed costs on multiple programs and multiple tasks within a single program. This capability allows us to develop the data required for status reports and invoice submittal and also allows us to forecast cost at completion. The latter capability has recently been used by the Government to de-obligate funds, near the end of a TO, thus allowing the Government to reprogram the funds.
Our Team embraces the challenge of providing service that consistently exceeds contract requirements; while at the same time exemplifying continuous teamwork, cooperation, cost control, and a professionalism that offers the Government proactive quality actions and a sound QASP.